Transport to the Festival.
Public Transport:
MTR (Island Line) to Kennedy Town, exit A (Smithfield)
From here, several options:
Taxi to 何鴻燊體育中心 Stanley Ho Sports Centre
58 or 58A minibus – this stops on Sha Wan Drive, right outside Stanley Ho Sports Centre
There is no parking at Stanley Ho or along Sha Wan Drive
Cyber Port Parking
Those with rugby jerseys can get 2 hours of free parking.
Additional parking of 1 or 2 hours will be offered for spending (ie. no spending – 2 hours free, $100 spending – 3 hours free, $200 spending – 4 hours free)
1st shuttle bus timetable:
0715 to 0945
1030 to 1330
1430 to 1615
1700 to 1800
2nd shuttle bus timetable:
0730 to 1000
1100 to 1400
1500 to 1645
1715 to 1815