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In the loving memory of Sanny Kwong - A Gentleman and a Raider

In the loving memory of Sanny Kwong - A Gentleman and a Raider

Eleanor Cherry28 Sep 2021 - 02:38

Sanny was one of the biggest advocates for local rugby in the club and in Hong Kong

A true gentleman
- Wilfred “Chief” Lau

We have just received the very sad news that one of our club stewards, Sanny Kwong, has passed away suddenly last Friday at the age of 62. Sanny was the biggest advocate for local rugby in the club and in Hong Kong. He was the one who blessed our original development team with the name Raiders in the 2009/10 season (after his beloved colt Treasure Raiders). He gave so much of his time helping the team alongside other club legends Ken Carnduff and Kenny Ng who were the coaches at the time. Many local players in HK are the disciples of the Raiders team he helped create. He helped mentor many local players in the club, on and off the pitch, myself included. He was always welcoming to all members of the club, local and foreign. Everyone was warmly greeted by him at one point as he enjoyed a good game of rugby, cold Guinness, share a few good jokes, and meeting new people. 

He is a big loss to the club and to the wider rugby community. He was a very kind and sincere person. A true gentleman. 

我們剛收到一個非常悲痛的消息,球會一位標誌性人物 Sanny Kwong 鄺文輝於上週五突然離世。

Sanny是推動香港橄欖球運動本土化的倡導者之一;球會發展隊伍於2009/10賽季更名為 Raiders,便是以他名下良駒Treasure Raiders奪寶群英 命名。他花了很多時間心血與球會名宿教練Ken Carnduff 和 Kenny Ng 一起幫助球隊發展,多年來培育無數本土球員。Sanny是球會的許多本地球員在球場內外的精神導師 -當中包括我自己。不論本地還是外籍球員,他總會誠懇的以笑面迎人,與舊識新交一同享受精彩的欖球賽,冰凍的黑啤Guinness 和 無傷大雅的笑話。

Sanny的離去是球會和欖球界的一大損失。願各位與我們一同為這名 善良和真誠的紳士 的離世 默哀。

- Wilfred “Chief” Lau, Senior Chairman

Further reading